Parrtjima | Workshop | Ininti Jewellery Making with Ikuntji Artists


Venue: Witchetty’s Artspace, Araluen Arts Centre

Native to Australia, the Ininti tree (Bat’s Wing Coral Tree/Erythrina vespertilio) can be found growing around Haasts Bluff. Ininti seeds can be found in the sand, or inside the pods still on the trees. The seeds naturally grow in varying colours from dark reds to light yellows. The flowers are equally vibrant, ranging from rich oranges into reds. Ininti are still collected today and are often paired with gum nuts to produce striking jewellery by our artists.

Join Ikuntji Artists to learn one of Indigenous Australia’s oldest forms of art-making. Artists will teach participants how to individually prepare and decorate gum nuts for this process, before producing a necklace or bracelet to take home.

Artists of all ages are welcome.

Entry to workshops will be on a first-come, first-served basis so make sure you arrive early. Registration for Parrtjima is FREE, head to our website to register and for more program information.

2023-04-14 10:00:00
2023-04-14 10:00:00


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