Team TCA

TCA is a great place to work.  And these are the people who make it so.


Patrick Bedford

Danial Rochford - Chief Executive Officer          Email Danial

Over his career Danial has walked an extraordinarily diverse and successful path as a change manager in tourism, economic and community development and aviation sectors.

Danial is the CEO of Tourism Central Australia, the peak regional tourism authority for Central Australia. He is a former CEO of Whitsundays Marketing and Development Ltd as well as CEO of Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd as well as Director of Tourism for one of Australia's leading World Heritage listed tourism attractions, the Port Arthur Historic Site.

He has also held various roles in regional economic and social development organisations including CEO of Rural Alive and Well in rural Tasmania, Manager of Economic Development for the Roma Town Council, and early in his career, a Regional Business Advisor in rural and remote Queensland. He has also worked on two occasions in both tourism and aviation roles in the Pacific.


Steve Jarrett - Membership and Marketing Manager          Email Steve

Steve joined TCA in October 2017 following a move from Perth to be closer to family. A regular visitor to Central Australia since December 2000, Steve is passionate about the landscape and the untapped potential for tourism growth in the Red Centre. Whilst much of his career has been spent in cooler climate wine growing regions of WA and SA, Steve’s focus has always been on ensuring visitors have the best possible experience. Steve says “There are many great wine regions in the world, but there is only one Central Australia. What are you waiting for?”


Merrilyn Spencer - Finance and HR Manager          Email Merrilyn

Merrilyn first visited Central Australia in 2008 and immediately felt a connection to the red earth, blue sky and stark white ghost gums. She returned home and began planning a move to the region, arriving permanently on Australia Day 2009. Merrilyn worked extensively in many sectors of the tourism industry both in and out of the region, before joining TCA in July 2021. Every evening as the escarpment around Alice Springs begins to glow Merrilyn is truly thankful that Central Australia is now home. 

Kassi Fleming

Kylie Payne - Corporate and Executive Services Manager          Email Kylie

Kylie spent the first 31 years of her career working in retail for Wesfarmers where she has held various management roles across Coles and Bunnings. She moved to Alice for a two-year contract in 2016 – five years later and a career change into our Visitor Information Centre Kylie is still enjoying her time here in Alice. Kylie loves travelling and has visited many places around the world; her favourite international destination is Africa with the beautiful people and animals. 


Susan Silvester - Manager (Alice Springs Visitor Information Centre)          Email Susan

Susan is a serial busybody, which makes her a perfect fit for tourism as she is legitimately interested in her clients. For more years than she cares to admit she has worked in the local and international tourism industry. Originally from Melbourne she has lived and worked in the NT for 37 years, the last nine with Tourism Central Australia. She has worked on major cruise ships, as a sales manager for the Darwin casino, Hotel Manager Darwin’s City Gardens apartments and began her working career as a Navy Aviation Medic. She speaks fluent Italian and loves Italian food, but prefers to explore that passion at the dining table rather than the kitchen. Winner of the Skal Tourism Industry Employee Award at the 2022 Brolga NT Tourism Awards.

Bradley Kerkman

Selina Manouge - Manager (Battery Hill Gold Mining & Heritage Centre)          Email Selina

Originally from Mildura in Victoria, Selina has fulfilled a life long dream by relocating to Central Australia. Since her first visit to the Northern Territory as a child, she has been captivated by the unique landscapes and breathtaking sunsets in the Red Centre. Selina started her career in Tourism Information Services, and after 8 years then transitioned into hospitality. Here she spent over 12 years in management roles specialising in accommodation, restaurants, conferencing and events. When Selina’s not working, you’ll find her outside, she enjoys the simple things in life such as walking, swimming or enjoying a cold beer watching the sunset. Selina is confident in her ability to contribute to Tourism Central Australia and is looking forward to making an impact on the visitation to Tennant Creek & the Barkly region.

Dale McIver

Jaimie Mitchell - Industry Support Manager         Email Jaimie

Originally from country Victoria, Jaimie fell in love with the tourism industry after moving overseas to work and travel after high school. Her love of culture, tourism sustainability and the industry’s ability to connect people and build lasting memories, inspired her to study a degree in Event Management and International Tourism Management on the Gold Coast which she completed in 2020. Jaimie’s passion for the outdoors and regional tourism has brought her to her new home and career in Alice Springs where she hopes to help others discover our beautiful region.

Chris Hill

Emily Ilgen - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Alice Springs)

Emily has been in the tourism industry since arriving in the Northern Territory in 2017. She formally studied wildlife biology in the USA before backpacking New Zealand and travelling to Australia. She settled into the NT working as a tour guide, cameleer, and reptile keeper, allowing her to share her love for animals with tourists from around the world. Emily found her home and true love in the Red Centre and is passionate about helping others explore this beautiful region.


Annalese Parsons - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Alice Springs)

Annalese is originally from the South Coast of NSW and moved to the Northern Territory in 2013 with family to Arlparra, Utopia for her father’s work. She spent 4 years living and working in Arlparra and Ali Curung, working as a Sport and Recreation Officer and helping cook and deliver food from the age care kitchen. Since moving into Alice Springs she has done a range of different jobs, such as social work, child care and hospitality work in town. In her spare time she performs with the local community theatre Totem Theatre, enjoys crocheting and exploring the stunning local area. Annalese is very grateful for all the amazing experiences she has had in her time in the Red Centre, including meeting the love of her life.


Glen Nelson - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Alice Springs)

Glen moved to Central Australia in the Year of the Outback in 2002, making last year his 20th anniversary. His first job found him visiting every community in the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara APY lands located in the Northwest top of South Australia, helping community members access the internet for the first time. Since then, he has had jobs that took him to Indigenous communities from over the Western Australian border to as far north as Ali Curung near Tennant Creek. Glen has developed a passion for all things Central Australia, be it geology, botany, history or its people.  


Tash Furrows - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Alice Springs)

Originally from Southern Africa, Tash relocated to New Zealand in 2001 where she studied Outdoor Recreation, which led to working in Milford Sound as a sea kayak guide. Tash moved to the Red Centre in 2011 as a 4-wheel drive camping tour guide. She has many years of guiding experience across the region for various types of tours. Working in Zoology and Guiding at the Alice Spring Desert Park has sparked a passion for wildlife and conservation, a passion she thoroughly enjoys sharing with visitors. Driving for Centre Bush Bus gave Tash the opportunity to visit remote First Nations communities in Central Australia, leading to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the importance of connection to Country.


Dean Mackintosh - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Yulara)

Dean is an avid bushwalker who has spent an extensive amount of time on the Larapinta trail in the mighty West MacDonnell Ranges. He has also been fortunate enough to work on many remote indigenous communities throughout the NT- from Arnhemland, Groote Archipelago, The Barkly and also here in the Lasseter. Although he is from Melbourne, he has a great love of the Northern Territory and all its natural wonders. When not helping tourists orientate themselves in and around Yulara he is probably out at the Valley of the Winds or “Larapinta dreaming”!


May Calvert - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Yulara)

May moved to Australia from New Zealand in 2000. Her career has always been customer focused, including working in Real Estate for 25 years. Having resided on the Gold Coast for 20 years May and her husband sought a reverse 'sea change', spending a year in South Australia's Flinders Ranges before moving to the Red Centre. May has fallen in love with the Red Centre and enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge with visitors to the region.


Orlando Southcott - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Tennant Creek)

Orlando has been passionate about Geology for most of his life. He had volunteered at the University of Adelaide’s Tate Museum prior to his geological studies at the same university. He moved up to Tennant Creek looking for experience within the mining industry and was able to find work at one of the original, but refurbished sites, Peko Iron. Despite the company going into voluntary administration, Orlando has been excited to stay in the Barkly Region, after being given the opportunity to help teach people about the historical significance of mining in the area.


Martijn Weezepoel - Visitor Information Centre Officer (Tennant Creek)

Martijn came to Australia from the Netherlands as a backpacker and loved Australia so much that he got his residency and then his citizenship. After a career of being a chef for over 20 years he always loved sharing knowledge and liked interacting with people. While living in Tennant creek for 16 years and being interested in its history the jump from chef to tour guide was an easy one. He also found that talking to people that come to the museums and mine tour brings new knowledge and interesting fact to his attention, and he uses theses to enhance his tours.


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